Time Out


Q: Do you have a favorite chair?

Mine’s a throne, natch.


Filed under Family, Life

10 responses to “Time Out

  1. MCV

    sure–I can picture the old lady that sits there too. Old ladies around the world love to sit outside their door. Well, at least they did in Italy.

  2. MCV

    Oh, I just reread the question. I thought you asked “Do you like the chair?”. oops.

    My favorite chair is a nasty recliner from IKEA. Super comfy.

  3. Raftbuddy

    My favorite chair is not the place I park my buns most often, it is one my grandmother owned and my mother currently owns. Someday, I will get it. I will probably be 75.

  4. Mood Ring Momma

    My favorite chair is my husband’s – which annoys him no end.

  5. NoName, you have the sweetest house here. Watch for pictures.

  6. maria

    The chair I have in my bedroom, bought from Seu Corbani is my favorite…you probably saw that.Remember seu Corbani?I think he is in heaven now….

  7. MCV: comfy is important!

    Raftbuddy: if you are lucky! See you soon! I have a month to get my house in order ….

    MRM: Wild Bill does have a pretty great chair, perfect for needlepointing.

    Radish: I am sure I have a nice chair there!

    Maria: I think of Seu Corbani more than you think. Some of my favorite things come from him. He had a good eye and was a sweet man.

  8. gamamae

    My vovo( grandfather) workded for the companhia Mogiana for a billion years. That was the railway company that served the interior of Snao Paulo. My grandfather was an engineer and was hired since he spoke english to work with the english compnay that had come to brasil to lay the tracks/system. When he retired one of his souvenirs were two station benches. Wrought iron arms and legs, wooden slats for seat and back. they have coffee beans and the crest of the company on the sides.They were handed on to my parents when they inherited his house- they weigh a TON. We took them to the house in Sousas when we became roomies with my Dad. When I was soriting and getting ready for my move here, I found myself having one of ” those ” days and tried kicking over a pile of books, a chair and yelling at whoever. I wandered up and down all over the house and finally sat down, on one of them to hold my face in my hands and breath and SOB and then breath again. I realized where I had sat and took great comfort in that. My uncle sent a truck to pick them up and they were gone the next day. He had them refinished and they are in his garden. I hope to sit on it again when I visit him. I call it the banco zen.

  9. Gammy: great story! Remember your visit to the pews of Trinity cathedral? I am sensing a theme here, heretofore unrevealed. Peace out and ponder this little epiphany. Go buy a bench for your garden, a really nice one. No need for needlepointed kneelers.

  10. gamamae

    Thanks for remembering and reminding me. Love the guidance, Beijocas amiga querida!

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